Mental Health Matters April 2022


We have an announcement to make

The Focus is on Awareness

GETeducare in conjunction with StanfordSADAG, ACAMH.orgASA, The and many additional educational institutions across South Africa bring students at Hybrid Academy the opportunity to be part of Mental Health Awareness, especially on 

World Bipolar Day observed on March 30 every year.

We appreciate you taking the time in reading our Awareness campaigns regarding Mental Health Matters. If you would like us to give a free talk at your educational setting please feel free to contact us today!

Let's take a quick minute to reflect on...
A teen with bipolar disorder often has extreme mood swings.
According to Stanford, these mood swings go beyond the day’s normal ups and downs. A teen may have times of great elation, happiness, elevated mood, or irritability. This is called mania. These episodes are countered by periods of major depression. That is why this disorder has two poles or symptoms. These episodes often last 1 or 2 weeks.

Symptoms of bipolar disorder, may look like other problems. Make sure your teen sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.

Knowing the risk factors, spotting it early, and getting expert help for your teen can help ease symptoms and improve your teen’s quality of life.

Being in touch with other parents who have a teen with bipolar disorder may be helpful. If you feel overwhelmed or stressed out, talk with your teen’s healthcare provider about a support group.

Take all symptoms of depression, mania, and suicide very seriously.
Bipolar disorder is a type of depression. A teen with this disorder often has abnormal mood swings that shift between depression and mania.
The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown. But it tends to run in families.

Read the full article here;

The focus is on Awareness of Mental Health Matters and at we care about mental health and
education as much as you do!

 We aim to promote Teen Mental Health and is a member of The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. and we help thousands of students across South Africa that prefer an alternative to mainstream with our daily virtual interactive classes at Hybrid Academy! 

The High School Equivalency Credential is recognized by SAQA as an NQF4 equivalent to the National Senior Certificate with NO Bridging course required and accepted by most Universities and Colleges across South Africa!

Next time you're looking for an alternative to mainstream, think of us.


Kind Regards,
Hester de Lange 
-The Educologist-

Next time you think of an alternative to mainstream, think of us!
We would like to share the following with you:

  • Creating Awareness on Mental Health Matters is important to us!
  • We are a Proud member of the Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
  • GETeducare is aimed at learners that prefer an alternative to mainstream schooling.

Go to our website for more information.


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