What is Hybrid Schooling Anyway?
Hybrid Learning; A guide for understanding the New form of education
Technology has all but boomed in the last century, where everything has become easily accessible through the world wide Web or apps for your favorite food joint, fast and simple ways to get things done. The world as we know it has embraced this form of change, and recently, there has been a new player in this online ocean.
Hybrid schooling has been on the minds and tongues of many parents, concerns and interests have been circling whether or not this form of education is just as good as any mainstream schooling option. Education is a powerhouse running on the ideals for children's future and their dreams, so for parents, only the best form of education that fits their child's needs are required.
In this article, we will explore Hybrid schooling, an introduction to this new form of learning, and whether or not it could be fit for your child.
What is hybrid schooling anyway?
Online forms of education had been introduced on the Internet for quite some time, whether it be through platforms showcasing mathematics or articles for students to read up on and learn, those were the building blocks, setting the stage for a full online hybrid Learning platform.
Hybrid learning or ‘blended learning’ is
a mix of traditional school attendance alongside home instruction.
Many schools now offer the option for students to work from home, attending daily virtual classes on a google meet platform with other peers and their teachers. All of this in the safety of the home environment.
Further to this, some have the option for students to attend school on certain days to complete projects etc. OR join in on other socials such as a Matric Farewell.
But what are the benefits one might wonder?
Well, for one, hybrid learning includes personalized learning portals or program, flexible time schedules, online resources, and real time virtual teaching - ensuring children learn and develop at their own pace. Additionally, teachers have reported higher levels of ‘paying attention’ during the virtual lessons, stating that learners are able to focus better without consistently being distracted by their peers. Their concentration and school work shows big improvements.
As times change, it's important to understand your childs’ learning needs, as there is no one size fits all. Blended learning can help your child by giving them the option to have more flexibility when it comes to their education. The above suggests that Hybrid learning is a fast growing norm for many schooling programs. As schools embrace change, perhaps we as parents should consider different options for those students who find mainstream schooling environments too rigid or stressful.
Let’s invest in our children's future!
By Katrina van Dyk
BSc Undergraduate
Internal Communications
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