Why Hybrid Education? Curriculum for Diverse and Inclusive Settings II

 Curriculum for Diverse and Inclusive Settings II

Sep 20, 2020

Teachers at Geteducare aim to support learners and promote academic success of every student. The teachers find some methods work better than others, especially when it comes to inclusivity of diverse students. Methods that stand out for us are;

1. Hybrid Educational Method.
2. Learning by doing Assessment Group Activities and  
3. The use of Visual aids to help them build long term memory.

Hybrid learning/teaching refers to Full teacher/class virtual interaction e-learning.

Daily Hybrid Interactive e-Schooling, using accessible media anywhere in South Africa with real time daily classes with student/teacher interaction. Hybrid e-schooling away from a traditional classroom setting: As the term Hybrid schooling refers to “blended learning” students get an opportunity to have a combination of both traditional school attendances with home instructions.

Hybrid learning is a way of combining traditional classroom experiences, experiential learning objectives, and digital course delivery that emphasizes using the best option for each learning objective.

When designed effectively and combined with other learning mediums, a fully interactive e-learning platform is a much-needed element for our students learning.

Our Teachers generally start their lessons with guided Assessments Group Activities with the aim of directing the students to understand the content, and not so much of ‘teaching’ as in the traditional sense. The use of Assessment Group Activities is used as evidence to confirm that the student learning has taken place.

Teachers start the chapters off with Group Activities and usually include assessment tasks from Wordsearch, Drawing Activities, Making a mindmap or even designing and making a poster about the syllabus content they will be exposed to during the lesson.

Recent research would like us to consider the fact that backward design is an important element of learning for diverse students. The method first focus on the assessment tasks the learner needs to complete to aid their understanding, rather than first attempting to complete just the written content.
Second to Group Activities, is the use of Visual aids and how it can benefit diverse learners- one, it helps to stimulate long term memory and secondly, students who have academic challenges such as dyscalculia or dyslexia can go home and view the visual aids (video) on their own time to try make sense of the work they learnt during class.

To encourage learning in the classroom, teachers are required to use visuals to help make lessons clearer to understand for students. Depending on the teacher’s preference, they choose between white boards, projectors, videos and power point visuals and so forth. These Visual aids stimulate students interest in the subject and helps teachers to explain difficult concepts using another method other than just relying on their own ability to teach the content and keep students engaged in their learning.

We find that a combination of ‘Assessment Group Activities’ and ‘Visual aids’ stimulates learners and improve student academic achievements. The assessment tasks engage the learners and these tasks are then used to determine if learning took place in the classroom. Visual aids complements teaching styles that stimulate students interests.

McFarland-McDaniels, M. (n.d.). How to organize a classroom for diverse learners. Classroom. Retrieved from https://classroom.synonym.com/organize-classroom-diverse-learners-8235933.html
Person. “Developing an Inclusive Education System.” Developing an Inclusive Education System, Ministry of Education, Guyana, 22 Apr. 2013, education.gov.gy/web/index.php/item/474-developing-an-inclusive-education-system.


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