Domains of learning - Cognitive and Psychological
8 May 2019
Domains of learning - Cognitive and Psychological.
I would like to believe that my teaching practice is a work in progress. I believe teaching should aim to be interesting for students, whereby students are inspired to call on previous knowledge and understanding to complete tasks at hand. Each domain seem to have its benefits with the intention of creating a more comprehensive educational experience for the student and teacher alike. In my opinion, students who are eager to experience new knowledge perform better in school; their attitudes and willingness to learn play a major role in the cognitive domain and how the advance to the next level of knowledge. Evidence of the cognitive and affective domains seems to dominate teaching in our classroom environments. The psychomotor domain is prominent in the task/activities students are required to complete as projects during school time and/or for homework.
We use a framework of learning styles to accommodate different type of learners; visual, auditory and tactile, however, there is the possibility that they reflect more a learning domain rather than a learning style.
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