Families Taking Action for Inclusion

GETeducare identified a need for Inclusivity and Uniformity within the education and mental health environment to meet the growing need of our families and learners with a wide range of interest, backgrounds, experience and abilities. 

Hybrid Academy is an online Academy in South Africa especially aimed at ensuring *Inclusive education for students that prefer an alternative to mainstream schooling to complete their Matric high school equivalency. Many students prefer working online from home or join a learning centre. 

We acknowledge the differences among families and learners based on ethnicity, race, gender, exceptionalities, religion, sexual orientation and geographical areas. Learners with a Diversity of experiences, viewpoints, backgrounds, and life experiences.

We also support the Dance, Arts & Drama, LGBTQ and Autism community and so many others! We welcome students with mental health challenges such as ADHD/ADD, Sensory disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, PTSD,  concentration, and dyslexia.

*We are not a Special needs School. 


  - Families Taking Action for Inclusion -  (21-27 March)

Parents have the right to have their wishes considered when it comes to placing their child in local neighborhood schools.
Ordinary neighborhood schools cannot discriminate against a child by refusing to enroll them on the basis of their disability.

World Down Syndrome Day 21 March: Learners are more than chromosomes!




















@Down Syndrome South Africa

@Autism South Africa

@Educational Equality

@Department of Basic Education


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